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Friday, February 03, 2006

Feeling Kinda Cannon Fodder.

I've played paintball several times. And I personally think I'm quite good at it. Why then, was I riddled, tatooed, welted and swiss-cheesed last night? Don't get me wrong - it was a heck of a lot of fun - but there were so many people on the field. There wasn't room to move, duck or anything else. Because it was a special event, they loaded up the teams so everyone would get to play and it was just too much. So I made a little animation last night when I got home which pretty much sums up my recent paintball propensity.

A great laugh, and I met some great kids. My crew did pretty well, and I have to mention that my team - R1 (Republicans 1) - went completely undefeated, even if I have more bruises today than Rodney King with a broken tail light. Have a look at the rest of the ridiculous paintball photos here, and please send ice.

UPDATE: Here is an article about the event from the Crimson.

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