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Thursday, July 12, 2007

You Can't Teach An Old Crustacean New Tricks.

The mystery surrounding Amelia Earhart's disappearance has always fascinated me, and about 6 months ago I watched yet another British documentary on the subject. It was so detailed, and the team of investigators so thorough and technologically advanced, that I thought for sure we'd seen the last serious attempt to find out what happened to her over 70 years ago. But the same persistent team is back with a brand new strategy - pig bones.

"Kar Burns, one of two anthropologists on the team, hopes coconut crabs native to the island - some as big as 2½ feet across - will carry the pig bones to wherever human bones might have been taken by crabs. DNA from human bones could help solve the mystery."

So the hope is that these monstrous crabs, probably living much the same lives their ancestors did in the 1930's, will crawl sideways across said pig bones - I assumed fitted with some sort of tracking bug - and take them back to their lair. When the lair, den, pile or whatever it is is located by the anthropologists, it may also contain the remains of Amelia and her navigator. Definitely the coolest thing I read today.

On a side note, look at this (or any) photo of our girl. If Hilary Swank isn't asked to play her in the inevitable biopic, she might as well make another movie about a paraplegic female boxer. It's easy to get typecast in Hollywood.


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