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Friday, January 07, 2005

Friday's Quizzlet: Baby Streps To MGH.

Appetizer - Have you been sick this winter? What did you have?
July 4th weekend I came down with the most awful case of strep throat imaginable. I had old friends in town, and three nights of parties planned, so I grinned and beared it like a little tipsy trooper. Come Monday, after 4 straight late nights on the razz, I could hardly even speak. I dragged myself over to MGH's emergency room and sat down to wait. I started watching Uncle Buck on a wall-mounted television from the paleozoic era, and before I knew it, John Candy had tearfully won over Macaulay Culkin's older sister and the nurse was calling my name. The doctor sat me down and explained he'd need to take a swab and then have me wait for another hour or two while they determined if it was indeed strep. I shook my head, pointed at my lips and opened my mouth so he could see the carnage for himself. A look of horror and revulsion washed over his face as he reached for his prescription pad and then sent me on my way. I've been sick 3 times since then and have decided to start paying for chewing gum rather than hunt for it under tabletops.

Soup - What colors dominate your closet?
Black, grey and forest green. I misread the 'dominate' part and briefly thought you were going to try and make me admit that there's also a leather mask, stirrups and a red ball gag in there. Thank God that didn't happen.

Salad - How would you describe your personal "comfort zone"?
As finally not including Cheez Whiz & Jalapeno enemas. I've tried to kick them... but they call out to me in the night as I sweat in my bed. One day at a time.

Main Course - On which reality show would you like to be a contestant?
Is there one called "Systematically Kick Every Former Cast Member of the Real World in the Teeth?" Keep me posted.

Dessert - Which holiday would you consider to be your favorite?
Thanksgiving. Because I'm Canadian and I get to celebrate it twice. Stay tuned for the long awaited photos from November. I'll get to them this weekend. Here's a spoiler: We ate turkey and drank a lot of beer. But you didn't hear that from me, OK?


Blogger Dave Pye said...

I don't want to accuse you of writing a depressing post, Monster - but part of me is contemplating walking calmly behind a strip mall and then shooting myself in the neck between the dumpsters.

Friday, January 07, 2005 5:39:00 PM  
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