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Friday, May 05, 2006

Friday Is Pyeday.

I wasn't sent a quizzlet today, so I apologize for the lack of one. The parents just arrived in town for JP's 30th, and they're going to be rocking my roofdeck in about an hour. Like Lenscrafters. I am excited to see them, as its been months, and this whole weekend should be a doozy. I am looking forward to the birthday party tomorrow, where my most awesome secret surprise for Janet will finally be revealed! No, Jenna Jameson will not be attending.

I know, I know. I haven't mentioned Squidoo in a long time and you're all getting edgy. Again, my sincerest regrets. I am mentioning it today because I got my first check from them today - percentages of revenue my lenses generate from the ads on them. What am I going to spend my $22 on? I'm taking suggestions.

You may have noticed the new graphic in the left column. You may have also masturbated in the shower this morning. I passed my very difficult Google Adwords Marketing Professional exam, and am now allowed to put that up there for ya. I haven't taken a test in a very long time, and I'll tell ya - they were not fond memories. I was tempted to start peeing in a small cup.

Speaking of piss, a friend and I watched the most recent episode of Trailer Park Boys the other night entitled "High-Definition Piss Jugs". It was, without a doubt, the funniest one I have ever seen, and may replace "Who's the Microphone Assassin" as my all time favorite. I never thought I'd see myself type that. Interest in a TPB marathon has been amazingly positive, and those of you in the know can expect an Evite next week. This season is the best since #3, and I'm so happy they found their groove again.

I think I've exposed my nerdery enough for one day, Boston. Enjoy the weather. Rampant roofdeckery season begins anew.

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