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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Trailer Park Boys Return To Glory.

Before we get started, the second weigh-in of the PITFPAC is tomorrow morning - sharpish! If you lollygag, pussyfoot or otherwise slack on getting me figures, you'll be culled from the determined flock of 15 and left to wallow in your own porktralesence.

Every year around this time, my beloved Trailer Park Boys begins another series on Showcase in Canada. Through devious and piradacious means, I get to watch them about 12 hours after they premier. I was quite unimpressed with Season 5, and lost a lot of my TPB zeal. You could say I feared they had truly jumped the shark somewhere around the introduction of Conky in Season 4. But I take it all back. Season 6 is killing me thus far. I found this graphic yesterday, someone obviously took the TPB characters and morphed them into South Park cartoons, and I knew it was time to write about the new hotness...

I am just going to bulletpoint a few things that have happened in the first 2 episodes The Way of the Road and The Cheeseburger Picnic. Fans of the show will 'get it', and people who haven't seen it will be so morbidly transfixed by these statements that they'll be forced to rush out and get the DVDs for Seasons 1-5.

- Bubbles opens a day care center for cats called "KittyLand". While he is currently working for free, as he owns about 30 of them anyways, he hopes to eventually make some cash caring for other people's. He's built a mini amusement park on the front lawn of his shed and it looks ridiculous.
- Julian made $8200 selling potato vodka in jail, and also got his real estate license during his last stint. He buys a run-down trailer from Barb Lahey in episode 1 and now intends to 'flip' them for an honest living.
- J-Roc has 2 pregnant "Baby Momma's" living with him and T-Bone, and is also trying to go legit. No longer stealing groceries or rapping, J-Roc seems to be trying to get in on the whole real estate thing with Julian.
- Ricky and his father Ray have developed a new scheme - stealing garbage. "Once it's at the curb, it's garbage". So naturally they pull a lot of lawn furniture down to the end of people's driveways when they're not home and then come back for it later. The garbage strategy is becoming a problem for his reconciliation with Lucy, because "He always smells and bees follow him everywhere".
- Randy and Mr. Lahey break up. Jim moves in with his ex-wife Barb to sober up, and Randy starts spending a lot of time with two local cops. Lahey mixes iced tea into his rye bottles to appear drunk when he's really sober, and plans to lull the boys into a false sense of security and then get them out of the park once and for all. Lucy tries to seduce the cops at the park's first annual Cheeseburger picnic with her hot dog eating techniques, but they seem more interested in Bo-Bandy. Sam Losco also crashes the proceedings.
- Sarah, Corey and Trevor, still dating as a threesome, open a convenience store in a shed in the park. It seems like a good idea, as Bubbles in particular is always going down there for "pop n' chips", but everyone's credit seems to be great at this particular store, and I don't see it ending well for park commerce.
- Ray gets kicked out of the park for his urine disposal methods. A former trucker, Ray claims that pissing into 2 liter jugs and then throwing them into the tree on his property is simply "The Way of the Road". Bubbles thinks that "firing pissy jugs into the forest isn't the way of any fuckin' road". Randy and the cops agree, and Ray has to take his detached semi sleeper cab and move to the nearby dump.

I couldn't make this shit up. Welcome back TPB, and I can't wait to see the movie this summer. See the hilarious trailer here. BTW - a Saturday afternoon North End Season 6 marathon is forthcoming as soon as I get a few more of them. And you didn't hear this from me, but you can download them yourselves via torrent here. Stay tuned for an afternoon of rye, chicken fingers and pepperoni very soon...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any liquor and whores allowed?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 4:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will bring the chicken fingers - the $8 kind.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 5:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You set the day and time for the marathon my friend. I need to do some catching up on TPB

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:45:00 AM  
Blogger Heath said...

BTW, I bought all of the TPB DVDs available based on the quality of your Squidoo lens. And it's now one of my favorite TV programs. Thanks, Dave!

Full disclosure: I work for Squidoo.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:26:00 PM  
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