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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Friday's Quizzlet: The Purple Pyeman.

Appetizer: If you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?
My breed would be irrelevant as I'd be constantly holed up under a porch licking myself.

Soup: What does the color purple make you think of?
A crosseyed Oprah Winfrey. A people-eater. Some guy who lived on Porcupine Peak and continuously tried to diddle Strawberry Shortcake. The L.A. Kings. Bondage videos involving testicles and shoelaces.

Salad: Approximately how long does it take you to get ready each morning?
That depends on how many people I have to drive back to the high school.

Main Course: How many cousins do you have, and are you close to them?
I have 7 first cousins and 4 second cousins. My mother was an only child so I suppose that's resulted in less than most. But when you're trying to buy their love at Christmas because you only see them once a year - less is a good thing.

Dessert: Take your initials (first, middle, last) and come up with something else those letters could stand for. (Example: SFO = Sweet Funny Otter)
I wish my initials were S.G. and that I had never been given a middle name so that my answer could be Silly Goose! But since that's not the case: Don Johnson's Penis. Come on, you were all thinking it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

App: Any dog, really. Who doesn't want to be pet all the time and have the ability to lick oneself? Ah, to be a dog! Pure self-gratification.

Soup: Can't think of my own. My minds still stuck on the testicles and shoelace.....YOWSA!

Salad: In about an hour. Much like Lenscrafters.

Main: 6. Close to 4. All on the "cool and sane" side of the family.

Dessert: Adorably Righteous Lady 

Posted by A.

Friday, February 04, 2005 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soup: What does the color purple make you think of?
Exactly what you said Dave - but the only thing I would add is Danny Glover and autoeurotic asphyxiation
Salad: Approximately how long does it take you to get ready each morning?
Hungover and late for work 10 to 15 minutes. Hungover - 30 minutes. Having a good morning - bout 45 minutes.

Main Course: How many cousins do you have, and are you close to them?
The ones that I can remember - Wow - this is crazy now looking at the numbers.
24 on my moms side - possibly more - these are the ones that at least come to mind without throwing them down on paper or consulting with my sister on who is a cousin and who just thinks they are a cousin - if you aren't an aunt or uncle you are a cousin in my family none of that 1st or second crap - however, I have family members that I don't even know are family members - just think they are family friends or vice the verse. Crazy my moms side is.
16 on my Dad's side that is including step cousins.
You want to know a true story though.
Yah - I almost slept with one of them - she was hot and we barely knew each other. Something didn't seem right though so she instead gave me to her friend. Very erotica like - but I would rather read about that then actually become one of the statistics - gives me crawl in my stool now just thinking about what it would have been like if we did. Ugghghghgh - amazing what you will do when you are 17 and horny.


Posted by Anonymous

Friday, February 04, 2005 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a better quizzlet for ya Pye - How many Cardinals does it take to hold the Pope up - None... Just nail his arse to the cross.
This guys is like Weekend at Bernie's - Seriously now - how can one night believe in Christ - I mean this guy is competing with the Queen Mum. 

Posted by Monster

Friday, February 04, 2005 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's slap wrestling the Iyatollah next week to raise money for the Tsunami.

Posted by Monster's Ball

Friday, February 04, 2005 11:06:00 AM  
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