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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

North End Noise Complaints Continued.

Yesterday's Globe had a detailed article relaying the meeting I attended last week about late night noise in the North End. If you're a local or have been to one of my prehistoric roofdeck parties and remember some of the drama - it's worth a read. If you're wondering why I have lingere ads up on the gallery page I just linked to, it's because that stupid page gets over a thousand hits a day as a result of the thong photo at the bottom. I probably owe bum-royalties.

Remember - the next big bender is almost upon us. The Big Haunt 2 takes place out in Concord on October 29th. If you're not on the Evite, email me and I'll see that you're added quicker than Nicholson can axe his way through a hotel door.

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