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Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday's Quizzlet: Frigging In The Rigging.

Appetizer: Create a new candle scent.
Since I'm officially bringing 'frigging' back this week - frigging. You light the candle, wait five minutes and then someone walks into the room and goes "It smells like sex in here." It's kind of like Kramer's beach cologne idea - only it smells more like latex or your armpit in the morning.

Soup: Name one way you show affection to others.
This so cries out for a dirty joke, which is why I won't make one. It's easy - reliability. Do what you say you're going to do, and don't make the goddamn "I was so busy" excuse. When I drop the ball on a friend, I always feel terrible - which is why it doesn't happen often.

Salad: What is your favorite writing instrument?
A keyboard. My hands haven't written with pens regularly in so long that they start to cramp immediately whenever I try to take notes, sign something, etc. I guess it could also be arthritis or maybe even rigormorits. Strange things happen on Halloween afterall. Jesus Christ - you think the rough patch is over and then you find out you're undead.

Main Course: You're given $25 to spend online, from which site would you buy?
Amazon, baby. I can get at least 3 cheap, forgotten, fairly cool DVDs for $25. My DVD shelf has grown to massive proportions, almost to the ceiling. I think there are 6 rows now. Everytime I want to watch something, it's like a giant game of Jenga. They teeter, you see.

Dessert: Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what are you going to be?
Halloween parties are traditionally on Saturday the 28th of October or thereabouts. This Saturday, I will be at a wedding in Welland, Ontario - and I'll be dressed as a wedding guest. So yes. I'll be dressed up, and it will be Halloween. And I'll be guesting while dressy. And dressed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, your annual Halloween Party will be missed...

Friday, October 27, 2006 3:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

& to think I was excited about being the vampiric schoolgirl....

Saturday, October 28, 2006 4:02:00 AM  
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