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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday Wadio: Trailer Park Menagerie.

To celebrate P-Cip, Sean and my's foray into Canadian media fame, see the Trailer Park Boys have American Fans article from yesterday, I thought I'd look for a musical clip related to the show. The first thing I found is a funny scene from the new movie where Tragically Hip's lead singer, Gord Downie, makes a cameo as a cop. Ricky, who is famous in the TV series for tricking cops to get out of trouble, convinces them that Julian is deaf. The other cop, who asks "Where are you coming from?" is Alex Lifeson, the lead guitarist from RUSH:

Then I found a clip from the beginning of my all-time favorite episode, Who's the Microphone Assassin, where J-Roc and the Roc Pile shoot a low-budget video for the song of the same name. "The day that J-Roc loses his flow is the day that hair on Jim Lahey's bald head grow..."

Later in the same episode, the boys have a rap concert. But J-Roc has stage fright due to having been caught masturbating (I couldn't make this stuff up) so other members of the gang have to fill in. Cory, Trevor and then finally Bubbles get up on stage to bust some rhymes. "Mad MC skills leave ya struck, and I roll with my kitties and I'm hard as fuck!"

And finally, J-Roc gets talked into performing, and the ditty he performs about his mom catching him wanking is undeniably catchy. Ask anyone who has seen this episode - you'll be chanting "It could happen to you, cause it happened to me..." for a few days afterwards.

If you're uninitiated, I've just given you an easy way to take a peek at this ridiculous phenomenon. Hit the play button on any of the videos to see the clips. I swear this is almost the last of it. Since I'm now an official authority, I have to act accordingly.

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