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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cat Burglaring For The Handicapped.

I have been on the road today, and having trouble finding inspiration for a good post. Luckily, it just came in the form of an instant messenge from a friend. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the worst burglar in human history. Please believe me when I say this is worth the time it takes to watch it.

When I think of a cat burglar, which is defined as: A burglar who is especially skilled at stealthy or undetected entry of a premises, I think of Catherine Zeta-Jones' sweet buttocks pointed in the air as she navigates lasers under the tutiledge and raging erection of Sir Sean Connery. Or James Caan in Thief, but in this case more skill set and less buttocks. Regardless, the subject of the surveillance in this case is going to be burned into my related funny bone for a long time. He can't even hit the camera with the margarita mix. Like a rat in a trap, as the police arrive, he sits down for a quick surrender smoke.

50 contact bottle top bruises, 5 to 10 with good behavior, a new respect for drop-ceiling strength and a pack of Marlboro Lights. A haul worthy of Danny Ocean himself.

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