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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Retirement Home Away From Home.

Is this thing on? I'm back - and what a tedious trip that was. It was great to see my friends and family, but the whole week had this dreary let's-drag-Grandma-into-a-nursing-home-kicking-and-screaming element to it that has left me extremely glad to be back in Beantown. Other highlights included:

  • Driving 4 hours in a blizzard with violent stereo bronchitis.
  • Chastizing my little cousin for telling jokes that would make Don Rickles blush.
  • Drinking Doornkaat with a German gentleman and seeing the scar on his leg where he was shot by a Russian sniper whilst digging an anti-tank trench in 1944.
  • 5 words: Star Wars DVD Box Set. 13 more words: Never sleeping with a woman again having just admitted my excitement at that.
  • Walking into the Albion in Guelph after a 7-year hiatus and recognizing people I knew.
  • Driving down old highway 6 with a Tim Horton's in my hand and the Hip on the radio.

So yeah. Canada had its moments. And I'm back. What's on for New Years? Let's get that bastard over with, too.

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