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Friday, June 24, 2005

Friday's Quizzlet: The Digital Cable Dilemma.

Appetizer: What time do you usually wake up each day?
I wake up at 8:50. That may sound 'late as all heck' to some people, but I stay at the office until 8pm on average - so don't envy me too much. Also feel free not to envy the fact that I share my bed with a cat 91% of the time. The good news is I can stay up later than the average Joe and still get a fair amount of sleep. Although I do spend that extra time watching British TV. With a cat.

Soup: When was the last time you bought groceries?
During my brief stint on the Atkin's diet I hit the Golden Goose in the North End and bought enough salami and American cheese to constipate Jabba the Hutt. I buy food on a 'need-to-eat' basis and don't keep much in the house. Which, as you can imagine, results in one of the unhealthiest diets known to man. So now, in addition to sharing Jabba's gastrointestinal traits - I'm also beginning to look like him. "Me yarga. Milona na di kato?"

Salad: How many books have you read so far this year?
I haven't. Not a single one - and I'm embarassed. I could write a book based on the first half of this year though. It would be entitled "How to Hook-up Digital Cable and Tivo in Your Bedroom and Never Read a Book Again". I see a theme developing this week. And a severe lull in brain activity from watching 2 episodes of Big Brother every night this week.

Main Course: What is something you consider to be very elegant?
I was recently interviewed by the Boston Globe for an article being written about Boston bloggers (it runs on July 3rd and believe me - I'll link to it for you). I work near the Public Garden, so I decided to walk over and take the call there. As I strolled around speaking to the woman interviewing me I noticed an area on the pond's shore that had been fenced off. A large sign read "Swan Nesting Area" and a huge white (you guessed it) Swan sat on her nest, her head nuzzled in her breast to fend off a light rain that had started. I thought that looked quite elegant. Anyone know any good Swan jokes?

Dessert: Who taught you how to drive?
When I was 15, my father took me to the CCHS parking lot and told me to let it rip. I drove around in circles, spun out in the snow and basically had the time of my life. I don't think I'd ever driven a car up until that point. I have some friends who'd racked up DUIs by the age of 15, but I was a late bloomer. My mother and an auxillary cop driving instructor fine-tuned my driving skills in the weeks prior to my test, and frequent blog contributor "The Len" taught me how to drive a stick over near White's Pond a year later. So, so hot.


Blogger Dave Pye said...

Done like dinner, Adam. Good luck.

Thursday, July 07, 2005 8:23:00 PM  
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