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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Pye In The Press.

The Boston Globe mentioned me in an article on Sunday having to do with people who'd been fired as a result of something they'd written in their blog. Now while this has never happened to me - it certainly fricking should have by now and is as inevitable as a solar eclipse. I was originally really excited about participating in the interviews for the piece, but I now see that they didn't link to me directly, and didn't mention the URL properly either. The author was very nice though and I suppose I may get a random traffic trickle from people who see fit to Google me. That or "sad bastard with severely warped priorities and a pathetic measure of acheivement". But at least I wasn't bumped by a woman with a purple mohawk. Oh, wait - uncanny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool pics from the last post.. by the way. Then I saw the story in the Globe with a quote from Mr. Dave Pye himself, I know someone famous!!! Actually, can u introduce me to the girl with the purple mohawk??

Tuesday, July 05, 2005 6:34:00 PM  
Blogger Dave Pye said...

If I can stop 'choking the rottweiler' to the thought of you two getting it on - long enough to email you her contact information, rest assured I shall.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005 6:42:00 PM  
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