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Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday's Quizzlet: Spaghetti Best Western.

Appetizer: List 3 things you keep putting off.
This is a list that has gotten a whole heck of a lot shorter this very week. I'll spare you more chatter about the new desk and the bedroom project, but it's nearly finished and is making me very happy. The new workspace is going to lead to the only major 'to-do' that is still really bothering me - sitting down and doing more writing. My blogs are cool and everything, let's be honest - wicked fucking cool - but they aren't making me any real money. I have some book ideas I am going to start flushing out. And while we're at it, I am going to get off my Canadian tush and get Yank citizenship so I can continue to live wherever the wind/liquor takes me, unmolested by either government.

Soup: What do you feel is your greatest responsibility?
I am almost completely devoid of them - which is one of the reasons I have been feeling uncomfortable as of late and whipping a few facets of my life into shape. If there is one thing that breathes down my neck at night, that isn't Philippino and wasn't paid $600 for the whole evening, it's the fact that my parents are likely going to have to sell their new house in the next few years in order to downsize and get closer to civilization for medical reasons. Perhaps to a retirement community - or at least a cheap Motel with an outdoor soda machine. I would love to strike it rich and be able to buy it off them, and then move there permanently, grow my fingernails, write a manifesto and never have to see an Emo ever again. They could live in their trailer on the edge of the property and do really shoddy senior citizen yardwork. But we'd keep Graceland North in the family.

Salad: If you'd starred in any movie, which one would it have been and why?
Office Space. Because everyone seems to think I'm Ron Livingston anyway. Not really - I'd love to be in a Spaghetti Western, or a Rat Pack or Matt Helm movie where they do a song and dance number while Tommy-gunning loads of people to death. Alright, I'll come clean. I obviously would have made a great Roy Batty.

Main Course: What is a false expectation you had as a kid about being an adult?
That I would eventually become Spiderman.

Dessert: When was the last time you had your car serviced?
I suppose having it picked up by a charity counts as servicing. Maybe? I gave my last automobile to the good of the kids, and save for a time or two I have never missed it. I want one of these so badly, blame my inner-guido and my love of Bullitt I guess, but would probably end up driving it once a month. It would be more useful to get my tits done.


Blogger irshal said...

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Monday, April 24, 2006 9:36:00 AM  
Blogger irshal said...

Appetizer: List 3 things you keep putting off.
1) Going to the dentist and getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Nothing drives fear into my heart as much as the dentist
2) Putting up pictures. I have lived in my apartment for 1.5 years, and I still have not finished putting up my frames
3) Cleaning out my office. Yuck.

Soup: What do you feel is your greatest responsibility?
I would have to go with my family. Helping my kid sister with college (and life), and helping my mother out. Of course, there is also my dog.

Salad: If you'd starred in any movie, which one would it have been and why?
Lawrence of Arabia...(pretend the title character was a woman). I love that part of the world, and the adventures and experiences that this man enjoyed.

Main Course: What is a false expectation you had as a kid about being an adult?
That I was going to become a super-secret spy (a la "Mission Impossible").

Dessert: When was the last time you had your car serviced?
Just last week...fortunately, the $600.00 repair was covered by warranty!

Monday, April 24, 2006 9:36:00 AM  
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