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Thursday, July 27, 2006

You're An Internet Marketer. So Market On The Internet.

Pet supplies, quality assurance products, calling cards, blinds, air purifiers, room nights, sox tickets, snowboards, coffee machines, insulin pumps - I try and help my clients sell it all. So why then don't I spend more time using these skills chipping away at the bane of my existence - renting rooms and apartments in the North End?

It's simple, really. As I've said before - If I could go back and start this blog again I would have made sure of 2 things: 1) I would have built it using Wordpress. 2) I would have kept it anonymous. But since my neck is already exposed let's talk about what I have coming up in September - even if it is only in the interests of generating an incoming link (crucial to SEO my friends,) to my building-specific site. If you're looking for a boston north end apartment, prick up your ears, prick.

- 1 Bedroom, 2 floor apartment with a great kitchen and lots of room. $1400+ a month. Ideal for a couple, or just a really fat bloke.

- 3 Bedroom apartment right next to roofdeck I'll throw you off of if you make too much noise after 10pm. $2400+ a month. Form a line to the left.

- And the grand prize - 1 bedroom in my 3 bedroom apartment. $780 +. Dear old Nate has been transfered to NYC, and Tommy and I need a new third. We also need a new roomate (rimshot). All the apartments have access to the roofdeck and there's a washer/dryer in the building.

For all the moaning I do about my building, there's a reason I've lived there for almost 7 years. I'm single, broke, obsessive-compulsive, have a cat, smell funny, have made a disgusting nest out of an old mattress/saliva and have buried a staggering amount of prostitutes in the earthen cellar. But besides that, I love it. AND we're about to get a brand new roofdeck installed in the coming weeks. Just putting it out there. You never know. Email me if you're homeless, soon-to-be homeless and do not smell like pee.

davepye.com web
