Friday's Quizzlet: Here At The Herb.
Appetizer: What is your favorite herb or spice?
My favorite Herb is Drummond.
Soup: Name a song you like but haven't heard in a long time.
I have been looking for the entire Here at the Home album by an old Boston band called Tribe for a while now. It is out of print, and I can't find any of the MP3s either. A lot of the songs were re-recorded and released on an album called "Abort" a couple years later, but the HATH versions are far superior. If you happen across this, and you have the record, please put me out of my misery.
Salad: Write down everything you need to do. How many tasks are there?
Like I mentioned here recently, I need a readily accessible notebook to keep my life in some degree of order. I have pages and pages of bullets that I cross off with a highlighter when completed. If I lost my beloved notebook, it would be tantamount to Henry Jones Sr. losing the Grail Diary. Without first getting to sleep with the hot Nazi.
Main Course: Tell something interesting about one of your family members.
My first cousin, Reiner, lives in Spain with a Brazilian woman. That just sounds delightful. R-Man, does she have a sister? A brother, even. Hell, if I were in Spain technically I'd be on vacation. And what happens on vacation, stays on vacation. Especially if it's kind of gay.
Dessert: What's the latest you've ever stayed awake?
All damn night, obviously. I remember the first time I watched the sun come up. I was about 8 and we were at a party on Prince Edward Island. My parents were inside getting liquored up, and all us kids were outside on one of the famous red sand roads daring eachother to let fireworks explode in our hands. Yes, exceptional parenting on PEI.
I am pleased to tell you I have both these Tribe albums on *cassette* tape & CD. My college roommate's cousin was the drummer for Tribe. Seriously. Will get it to you when I'm back from Toronto.
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