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Friday, September 24, 2004

Friday's Quizzlet: 12 Angry Flytraps

Appetizer: On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive do you think you are?
It's totally relative. Which is a good thing, because I'd feel a little embarassed if I had to come right out and say '12'.

Soup: What local restaurant would you recommend to a visitor to your city?
I would recommend they get back on the plane from whence they came and hit Arthur Bryant's in Kansas City, baby.

Salad: What's a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
That one about penises and venus flytraps.

Main Course: Name something in your life that you can depend on 100%.
I'd say death and taxes, but that would be a bit of a cop-out. So I'll just say that "your penis will hurt if you put it in a venus flytrap".

Dessert: If you could see the front page of a newspaper from September 24, 2104, what would you imagine the headline might be?
"18,615th Consecutive Day of Mourning Delcared - Dave Pye is Still Dead."

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