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Thursday, October 07, 2004

DogGoneKnit.com Gets A Google Page Rank!

The dog sweater knitting pattern site that Janet and I have been working on finally broke it's little doggie cherry and got a Google Page Rank. And it's ended up with a rating of 5/10 which is no small feat for a new site. I am writing about this for two reasons:

1.) I am a tremendous dork and am actually really excited.
2.) Janet has informed me that I am no longer allowed to bother her about when we're going to get together to finish the site.

So folks, please - if you know my sister, phone, fax, email or IM her today and ask her why DogGoneKnit.com still isn't finished. She'll then tell you to f*ck off. But better you than me.

It'll be funny. I swear. Grr. Not Brr.

davepye.com web
