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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Mark Steyn Is The Man.

As one of the only living and admittedly conservative Canadians, I feel some solace in now knowing that there is indeed at least one other. Actually, I've been reading his stuff for a year now via the Chicago Sun Times - but this is the first time I've felt a powerful urge to quote him:

As for the most striking photograph of this disaster, it's by AFP's Jimin Lai. I haven't seen it in any of the papers, oddly enough. It shows a tsunami-devastated village in Galle on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka: a couple of rescuers are carrying away a body while, behind them, smack dab in the centre of the picture, a young man looks on. He's wearing an Osama bin Laden T-shirt.

I gave up worrying "Why do they hate us?" on the evening of September 11, 2001. But, if I were that Osodden bin Loser guy watching the infidels truck in water, food, medical supplies and emergency clothing for villagers whose jihad-chic T-shirt collection was washed out to sea, I might ask myself a more pertinent question: "Why do they like us?"

New Year's Eve I got in a fight with some chick regarding the USA's lack of tsunami relief. I think the first reported number was 35 million. She went on and on about how she was ashamed of Bush, etc. I asked her where she'd gotten that figure, and when. "CNN," she replied. "A few days ago." I then asked her if she knew that the official death toll had since quadroupled -and that the USA had ponied up another 100 million (which has, in the last 2 weeks, risen again into the neighborhood of 375 million). She had no idea. And by then I was so utterly sick of talking to her that I abandoned any hope of a dry handjob in the SideBar's bathroom. That particular night, anyway.

I might ask myself a more pertinent question: "Why are my political views skewed the way they are?" But I already know the answer - In between handjobs, I read the news.

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