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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Schnauser-Sitting In The Sun.

Royce and Bentley are a little hairy handful. Janet, Josh and I are over at our neighbor's house today babysitting puppies. But they have jetskis (the neighbors - not the puppies). So the pooches are being sat upon in shifts, while the relief sitters rip around the Rideau on Sea-Doo GTIs. It's a swell trade off. Swell.

This is our last trip up to Portland this summer, and although I frequently write about how exchausting it has all been, I will miss it. The rental units move back down to Florida for the winter in October, and I'll be Canadaless until Christmas. No more poutine, no more creullers, no more campfires.

Luckily, I have enough Horton's in my Boston kitchen cabinet to choke a moose.

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