Friday's Quizzlet: Crowded House Of Pain.
Appetizer: Briefly describe your living room.
You can have a look for yourself right here. Note the mugshot of a young Sinatra (it's the same photo you can see on the wall of Tony Soprano's office) then there's the singing Dean Martin doll, the Tragically Hip tour pster over the fireplace, way too many DVDs, The Bullitt poster to the left of the fridge, a James Dean, a DeNiro and finally Tony from Big Country strumming away on the television. The middle of the big white couch is where I write the majority of my entries here - so welcome to my world. And if you want to see what the place looks like when the Concord or Welland boys come to visit, we can do that too.
Soup: List 3 things you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2005.
I'd like to complete all of the half-finished websites I have 'in development'. A friend recently called me a 'fanatical collector of domain names' and she's right - but there's a few good ideas lurking amongst all the false starts, and I need to focus them into some revenue streams. But likely I'll just start building filthy clown porn sites because according to my server logs, that's an unexploited niche. Picture a red rubber nose that can also be repurposed as a ball gag, and you'll see where I'm going with this/throw up.Salad: When you're online, what do you spend the most time doing?
Managing PPC accounts, checking on client rankings, hunting for custom made jewelry and looking for that perfect Boston Interior Designer. Nate sent me this site today where people combine band names. I submitted my own this morning and we'll see if it gets published. "Pack it up, pack it in, let me rock it like the Finns..."
Main Course: What would the title of your autobiography be?
"Pull the Trigger". I need to stop spinning my wheels about so many things in my life. I am getting better. I've pulled the trigger a few times recently. And if you're giggling about the potential for euphamisms here, Punch the Clown instead.
Dessert: What time do you usually go to bed?
Far too late. If I don't get 7 hours, I'm luggage. And I'll never learn. But I have a sleeping disorder and many episodes of the brilliant Rescue Me to catch up on. If anyone has a bottle of sleeping pills they're not using, properly and responsibly dispose of them by sending them directly to me.
Appetizer: Briefly describe your living room.
I live in a loft (a real loft with a second floor or “loft”, not a big bachelor suite advertised as a loft) so my living room is pretty much most of my apartment besides my kitchen. The best compliment I received about how I’ve done my place is when a friend of a friend came over for a party and she said, “Wow, you decorated this place without any help from a woman?” No Queer Eye for the Straight Guy needed here. My paint color of choice? “Urban Loft”. Now fancy that.
Soup: List 3 things you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2005.
1. The first draft of my screenplay
2. Break 100 for the second time in my life on the golf course
3. Purchase and complete the upcoming release of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on my GameCube (soon, my precious, soon...)
Salad: When you're online, what do you spend the most time doing?
Beside the obvious of visiting Pye in the Face, I do a lot of product research on goods I want to buy – now it takes me even longer to make up my bloody mind. Also, being an IT guy I’m often on Microsoft sites trying to figure out why the f**k a product doesn’t work as it should!
Main Course: What would the title of your autobiography be?
“Failing to Menace” or perhaps “Crosseyed and Painless”
Dessert: What time do you usually go to bed?
About 11:00 or later if I’ve been out drinking, even later if I’m stoned. Weird thing that – when I get baked, I can’t sleep and I get really horny.
Welcome back Graeme. Remind me never to hang out with you after you've cleared a few chambers.
Don't worry, Dave, your cherry is safe with me.
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