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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bobbing For Oscars.

Frequently-cited famous over-actors include Nicholson and Robin Williams - but I have never seen a more shameless, award-fishing performance than Sharon Stone's ridiculous fat suit episode at the end of Alpha Dog. Jeepers Crimminy, and I mean this when I say it: I sincerely hope that was not her idea. The jist is, a bad thing happens to a young kid and the movie is punctuated by a series of interview flashbacks. One of the last of which is Sharon Stone, the formerly sexy bereaved mother, giving her account of hearing about her son's murder - a year later, in a grief-stricken alcohol and pill induced fat suit.

I see what they were trying to do. The last time I was really sad I'm sure I enjoyed having an actual excuse to drink and eat too much for a week. But Sharon Stone looks like a paler Cletus Klump with a bad blonde Cherry 2000 wig on. I couldn't find it on YouTube or a still photograph, so just keep an eye out for it if you see the movie. A solid flick if you can stand all the half-naked teenage girls. I mean - a solid flick, and although I hated him in Six Feet Under Ben Foster is remarkable.

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