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Friday, January 14, 2005

Friday's Quizzlet: Show Me All Of The Blueprints!

Appetizer: If you had a free password to an online service, which would it be?
One that combined stock-trading, music downloads, debt-consolidation and fantasy cartoon Star Wars porn. Leia wasn't chained to Jabba to keep her from escaping. She was into that sort of shit.

Soup: Describe your bathroom (furnishings, colors, etc.).
Do smears count? It's a tiny North End bathroom. Tub, sink, towel-rack. Purple crayon mark on one of the walls because Jim Fitzgerald thought that might be amusing one New Year's Eve several years ago. And, get this, a toilet-brush! Feel free to come on by and check it out. Just follow your nose.

Salad: What does the shape of a triangle make you think of?
That other Mel Brooks Nazi pardody movie where all the gays had to wear pink triangles like the jews used to have to wear identifiers in WWII. Hitler: All I want is peace. Peace! Peace! [singing] A little piece of Poland, a little piece of France...

Main Course: Name 3 things or activities that you consider to be luxuries.
Being born North American. Being born rich. Being born without any sort of physical deformity. One out of three ain't bad.

Dessert: What was the last really great movie you watched?
I've been on a tear lately. All great films. Hotel Rwanda made me realize that machetes are an excellent way to hack someone to death. The Aviator teaches us that in addition to being hilarious, obsessive compulsive disorders can help you amass huge financial fortunes. The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou - Bill Murray in a Speedo. 'Nuff said.


Blogger Dave Pye said...

I love a good mid-whack epiphany. Like "Jesus, I'm masturbating in a cathedral". Why did you post twice. Be careful, you're making a mess in so many ways around here.

Friday, January 14, 2005 3:30:00 PM  
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